Horse Lords

Horse Lords return with Comradely Objects, an alloy of erudite influences and approaches given frenetic gravity in pursuit of a united musical and political vision. The band’s fifth album doesn’t document a new utopia, so much as limn a thrilling portrait of revolution underway.

On the first single from the beloved quartet’s new album Comradely Objects, Horse Lords cut the ribbon on a new polyrhythmic Internationalist uptown playground to romp unbridled across, as guitarist Owen Gardner’s spidery twang and tremolo-like pulses combine with Salsero / Madchester piano, the sub-y synthesis of Max Eilbacher’s bass playing and a churning keyboard squelch, and Sam Haberman and Andrew Bernstein’s locked-in percussion create a comprehensive, hot-stepping throb and nod.

According to the band, „‚Mess Mend‘ is an example of the new compositional directions explored on Comradely Objects — an attempt to make an opportunity out of the impossibility of live performance in 2020. Rather than fully forming the track in rehearsal, “Mess Mend” was built and rebuilt in the process of recording and mixing. Augmented by digital instrumentation,” the patchwork piece references „rave culture’s more egalitarian ’second summer of love,’ and signals an „important rethinking how a Horse Lord’s song is made and what that might sound like.”

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Based in: USA, Germany

Represented by: Kirmes

Territories: Europe